2014 Simcoe Ice GTG Sunday, January 19th

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i don't think dew worms would be of much use on simcoe for perch, you'll be getting more sinks then jumbos and lots of herring, I've tried it before, i just keep them in a big bucket with soil and put some newspaper on bottom, they've been alive since october.
if you guys dont mind i would like to come as well as the gf :) as always...i'll have to see if work permits.. but if i can get it off i'll be there for sure. we have our own rods and tackle but no auger :( this will be our first time ice fishing :)
Ok, I am so excited for this!!! After going out for my first tim yesterday i realize that i need to pick up a new reel or two. The spin combos are really annoying, spinning constantly and sometimes getting tangled.

Cant get new rods though, I have a whole collection of pinkies now....they were worth the price even without a reel...LOL
This is my collection minus one that I picked up yesterday morning.
I get claustrophobic when using huts. hence i only go on a bright sunny day w/ minimal winds...and enjoy the view while fishing.
DILLIGAF?! said:
I get claustrophobic when using huts. hence i only go on a bright sunny day w/ minimal winds...and enjoy the view while fishing.
its not the small space that gets me, its the idiots that zip across at 100mph on snowmobiles and in cars and trucks
FisherGirl said:
Ok, I am so excited for this!!! After going out for my first tim yesterday i realize that i need to pick up a new reel or two. The spin combos are really annoying, spinning constantly and sometimes getting tangled.

Cant get new rods though, I have a whole collection of pinkies now....they were worth the price even without a reel...LOL
I went out yesterday too for the first time and it was awesome!

I bought a cheapie rod and reel setup for $22 from bass pro. I'm going to make a couple of extra ones using some old rod tips and see how that goes lol. Got the dowel and drill all ready.

I don't have a hut - so i'll be one of the ones outside!
Shawarma said:
I went out yesterday too for the first time and it was awesome!

I bought a cheapie rod and reel setup for $22 from bass pro. I'm going to make a couple of extra ones using some old rod tips and see how that goes lol. Got the dowel and drill all ready.

I don't have a hut - so i'll be one of the ones outside!
Where did you fish yesterday? check out my new thread under ice fishing
I'll be there...looks like it should be good once these cooler temps set in...
Never tried ice fishing but I am game. Picked up a 36" medium rod from Bass Pro which I plan to use with a light pflueger arbor reel.
Looking forward to finally meeting some of you.
RUSTY420 said:
I only use a hut if it's nasty cold out. Or its to windy to light up lol.
Haha straight up!

going to the local shops tonight to grab my last few items!
Ready to noob it up on sunday and have a good time lol
is there somewhere to buy minnows in that area we're heading to?

if not.. any plastic alternatives to waxworms you recommend?
anyone been out in the last few days?? how is the slush on the lake? and how has the mild weather affected the ice?? be good to know if I have to bring slush proof boots