2014 Simcoe Ice GTG Sunday, January 19th

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Liger said:
running 5 pound main with a 2 foot floro leader (either blood-knot or small barrel swivel) at least on simcoe. Up here 5 pound is fine for crappie and perch.
see now thats why i like fishing up north, simcoe is away more pressured resulting on having to use a light and thin setup for those pesky jumbos, lol, ill be trying for whities first thing in the morning, then if the bite dies down in my spot, ill go smack some jumbos!
BowSlayer said:
no, almost there, lol but my dad is, haha and a few older buds.
Haha listen to u, already complaining about parking...wait till you have a car payment, insurance and gas to pay for!!!
ya but gas is for newbs, lol, or for racing, some day ill get that mustang shelby GT500 lol but for now, i want a nice big diesel engine that won't get stuck in puddles but i have seen some very economical gas cars too, like the ford focus or the chevrolet impala, which doesn't take much for a car of its size, but i want a 4x4 lol,
BowSlayer said:
ya but gas is for newbs, lol, or for racing, some day ill get that mustang shelby GT500 lol but for now, i want a nice big diesel engine that won't get stuck in puddles but i have seen some very economical gas cars too, like the ford focus or the chevrolet impala, which doesn't take much for a car of its size, but i want a 4x4 lol,
We'll hopfully be there for 6am so we dont miss anyone and maybe do some tester holes see if we can locate some fish. Gettin close, this should be a good outting!
ill be there for about 6-6:30, depending on what time i can get up, because ill be up around north bay the day before, ill try and see if i can get a friend of mine to bring his ski-doo so its easier to get onto the ice, ill be at the whitie grounds till noon, then perch.
we need a flag or something to find the group once on the ice..or everyone can just be in birthday suits on the ice..thatll be easy to find
jeremonster said:
we need a flag or something to find the group once on the ice..or everyone can just be in birthday suits on the ice..thatll be easy to find
I'll see what I can do about making us noticeable. Somethings telling me the birthday suit idea won't fly..lol