Hey i was wondering if you guys can inform me on a certain "thing" I see that there is a recommended line weight as well as lure weight for some rod and reel combos. Now would i be correct in thinking that when buying lure...etc... You should stay within these numbers? If you went "outside" these numbers what difference would it make?
Thanks again
Rods are designed for specific techniques and applications, and keep in mind the weight/line recommendations are to make the rod do what it is built to do.
That when the rod ratings come into play etc. Different rod lengths, materials, flex, point of flexion etc all play a role in how the rod was built/designed, and how it should be used.
A good example would be a 5'6" ultra lite crappie rod. Their designed to flex all the way to the reel seat almost, and are usually rated for 2-6lb line. Now obviously you can cast a 1oz jig with it, but will it cast far, handle smooth, offer sensitivity and handle that 43" pike at the end of the line? Not only that but if it's spooled with 30lb braid, the rod would brake before the line gave way, lol.
The best thing to due IMO for someone just getting into angling, would be to first look at what you want to target and where/how. Then develope a plan to get something that covers all those areas efficiently. Then, as you gain experience and learn what lures you like, how you fish, and things like that, then you can look at expanding and kinda starting over again to become a more well rounded angler.
If you like walleye and bass ( just for example), a 6'6" medium fast would be a good start. Enough backbone to fight scrappy fish or pull them from wood/weeds, sensitive enough to jig and feel bottom, and the tick tick or mush mouth walleye bites, long enough to give the angler leverage and would handle well with lures from say, 1/4oz to 1/2 oz. which would handle most baits for those fish. You could toss spoons for pike, pull stick baits and cranks, jig, burn spinnerbaits, lindy rig, drop shot basically cover alot of types of fishing.
I'm glad you asked a question though, cause I was about to apologize for derailing your thread, lol. Thanks for getting it back on track!