43yr old noob! Help!

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No worries.... i found what you where talking about very informative.

But thanks for the info on the rod....line....lure weight "thing".

Glad to know that when i bought must equipment that i was correct in the practical application of the gear i bought. :smile:

Thanks again for the help and info.
I am sure more questions will be coming!
No worries.... i found what you where talking about very informative.

But thanks for the info on the rod....line....lure weight "thing".

Glad to know that when i bought must equipment that i was correct in the practical application of the gear i bought. :smile:

Thanks again for the help and info.
I am sure more questions will be coming!

Glad to help!

I wish I had some more help when I started out, lol.

I remember when I started bass fishing I was doing it mostly from shore, because I thought that was the only place bass lived, lol. I had bought a 6ft Medium rod, and I was missing bites all over the place. So I read all I could on hooksets, and I practiced alot. Eventually I mastered the hookset with a 6ft rod, when the fish was 40 yards away, lol. When I grew as an angler and got better and had better gear, I realised that all that time I was using too short of a rod, that didnt have much backbone. When I started using a 6'6" and a 6'8" medium heavy fast action rod, I was lights out. I have that hook in there almost evertime.

It's funny now that I look back, but it did help me become a better angler. Nowadays I'm the one in the boat getting asked "why don't you ever miss any bites?" lol. I do still miss from time to time, but odds are I'll get that fish almost everytime. And thats just because I was smart enough, to learn how stupid I was, hahaha.
Another thing you'll want to tinker with is getting to know the drag on your reel, and how it should be loosened or tightened, depending on what lures your fishing and what species your targeting.

It's important because if the drag is set too tight, you might set the hook too hard and pull the lure right through the fishes mouth, or a bigger fish will just break your line.

Too loose on the drag and it's tough to get a good hookset, and even if you get the hook in there, it will take much longer to land the fish. For certain species, this can be a death sentence.

Play around with the drag at home, get comfortable adjusting it.

Also, look for some more info on your rods strength, and the rod action. This will help when you test your drag, so you can see your rod bend where and how much it's supposed to bend.

Once you know your rod, hold the rod with one hand, and the line with your other, about a foot from the rod tip. Gently pull the line and watch your rod bend. When it bends where it's supposed to, the drag should kick in and you begin pulling the line. If it doesn't, the drag is too tight. If it pulls before the rod flexes the way it's built too, it's too loose.

When your fishing, always check your drag before fishing. Check again when you change lures. Check again after you catch a fish.

After you have a little experience, you can also adjust your drag on the fly while fighting a fish. Sometimes you'll have it set perfect, but that bass just bit in really heavy cover, you can quickly tighten the drag just a little bit, to get the fish outta the over before it runs and wraps you around a bunch of timber.

Or sometimes you may be catching small walleye, so you might have your drag looser, then you get that monster bite from a huge walleye or a big pike, then you'll want to tighten your drag on the fly accordingly.

So, get to know your rod, your line, and you reel/drag
I just went back and read which rod you purchased.

An IM7 is a great start, but since your shore fishing, take very good care with your rod. Don't lay it down on rocks etc, or lay it in the back of your truck uncovered.

These rods are extremely strong, but easily chipped/damaged. Once there damaged, they loose the integrity very quick, and will snap.

I'm sure alot of people on this board have had expensive newer rods from IM6 to IM8 and had them break relatively easy. Odds are it's because of a damaged blank due to improper care of the rod.

Anyhow, a fast action means the tip will feel pretty stiff (this also equals alot of sensitivity). Thats what makes the rod retrieve the lure with a "fast action". So be aware of that, and how thats effects how you want your drag set. You'll probably need your drag a little looser than a medium fast action , or a moderate action rod.
hey Mad Max, come pick me up in the Whitby are and let's head to manitou's place and fish for the next 2 days! LOL!

Hey manitou, I would love to come up there but I've got to look after my dog while the wife and kids are away
hey Mad Max, come pick me up in the Whitby are and let's head to manitou's place and fish for the next 2 days! LOL!

Hey manitou, I would love to come up there but I've got to look after my dog while the wife and kids are away

I would love to have you guys here for some beers and fishing, but I'm pretty sure it'd be a long trip for you, lol.

I google earthed it at 19 hours, better make it a long weekend trip! lol

I'm way up in northwestern ontario, a few hours from the Manitoba border.
I would love to have you guys here for some beers and fishing, but I'm pretty sure it'd be a long trip for you, lol.

I google earthed it at 19 hours, better make it a long weekend trip! lol

I'm way up in northwestern ontario, a few hours from the Manitoba border.
well my wife is away and I'm not working this week... ;) I just fear my dog wouldn't last that long in a car (or me for that matter!)

Back to the matter at hand. Go get out fishing and try your gear and make sure you test your knots (and wet the line when making them) and tell us how you made out Mad Max!
anytime you figure you can make the trip, let me know!

Yes, Mad Max go catch some fish!!!! So I can quit rambling...
I just went back and read which rod you purchased.

An IM7 is a great start, but since your shore fishing, take very good care with your rod. Don't lay it down on rocks etc, or lay it in the back of your truck uncovered.

These rods are extremely strong, but easily chipped/damaged. Once there damaged, they loose the integrity very quick, and will snap.

I'm sure alot of people on this board have had expensive newer rods from IM6 to IM8 and had them break relatively easy. Odds are it's because of a damaged blank due to improper care of the rod.

Anyhow, a fast action means the tip will feel pretty stiff (this also equals alot of sensitivity). Thats what makes the rod retrieve the lure with a "fast action". So be aware of that, and how thats effects how you want your drag set. You'll probably need your drag a little looser than a medium fast action , or a moderate action rod.

Wow thanks for the heads up....This issue never crossed my mind. Would a good rod sock do the trick or something more rugged?
In your situation, shore fishing, I'd look at something more rugged. Protect your investment.

If you have to set your rod down, jsut be leary of the fact. Try to stand it up against something if you can. Don't lay it on rocks etc
In your situation, shore fishing, I'd look at something more rugged. Protect your investment.

If you have to set your rod down, jsut be leary of the fact. Try to stand it up against something if you can. Don't lay it on rocks etc

That is excellent advice. I have seen many rods broken because someone laid it down and someone stepped on it. If it's standing up, it is hard to step on.
Also, practice your knots and always lubricate. Nothing worse than having a big one and your knot fails. :oops: Arbor knot for spooling the line, modified alberto for braid to leader, palomar or trilene for terminal.