good post c&r is very important in the certain areas mentioned and species mentioned. I personally don't keep many fish locally to date, 2 salmon one female one jack, and one steelhead cuz I ripped a big chunk off the nose by accident and wasn't confident it would survive release, I was actually disappointed about this as it was my first one from the river and I really did want to release her but I learned from my mistakes, changed to a single barbless hook on my spoons and the following 3 were released. up north I still practice c&r but I like a fish fry every now and then, I think to sum it up theres some who treat there keep limit as a goal not an option but hey it takes all kinds to make the world go round. and jmatt good point on possession limits ive seen people who think once its in there freezer they think there safe and beating the system and will go out for more, unfortunately.