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I definitely do
its a hobby of mine, if i see worms i pick em up and i keep them in a foam box which i filled with some dirt.
i feed the worms orange peels, paper towels, etc
Rain?? Rain? What does that stuff look like?

If you buy that worm bedding stuff they sell at CT they will last for a while------or so I am told by people who seem to know! I have used damp garden soil and they keep for while.
After rainfall works, what I did as a kid when collecting worms in the yard is soak an area of the lawn then through down a sheet of plywood. In the morning or many hours later flip the board up and start grabbing them. Worked great. Usually did it at night and lifted the board in the morning just before heading to the river.
I collected worms for a while last summer in a large rubbermaid container with a half inch of ripped newspaper at the bottom, soil to the top, and then I threw any veggie scraps and egg shells in it. Within a month I had more worms than in your wildest dreams!
where did you keep the container to keep the temperature down? I always seem to have mass die offs if my worms arent kept in the fridge.
I kept it in the garage it stayed around the 7C all summer. I did put in the basement on really warm days however.
hmm ya my problem is we rent out the basement, otherwise I would keep them in the cold cellar. I've resorted to buying 1/4 flats and keeping them in the bar fridge.
I also collected worms and put them in a plastic air tight container. Forgot them in the trunk. They melted and turned into soup. It was the most foul smelling thing ever.

Don't do what I did.
Compost pile anyone??? Not those silly plastic things, but a homemade gate type structure. All my expired garden plants as well as leaves and grass cuttings and perishable foods go in there. Once a yr I flip it over with the pitchfork and put the decomposed in the garden. It only takes me 1/2hr to get a weeks supply of worms out of there. Flip it again in the fall and bag them in ziplocks and put them in the freezer for spring walleye jigging. Maybe not for the faint of heart, but hey.......a grub, is a grub, is a grub. Cheers