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This is exactly why I don't post **** know more!
All you wanna be keyboard warriors shooting your mouth off!
I catch more fish in a weeknight then most of you mouthpieces catch all year!!!!
Rusty, just try to ignore those comments.....I've gotten some trophy fish in my life and I usually post them on Facebook, and there are always people who accuse me of photo shopping. At first it really bothered me, but now I've learned to just ignore their stupid comments, which are from jealousy anyways. And I still post pics, because I'm proud of the fish I catch.
King_Slayer said:
Rusty, just try to ignore those comments.....I've gotten some trophy fish in my life and I usually post them on Facebook, and there are always people who accuse me of photo shopping. At first it really bothered me, but now I've learned to just ignore their stupid comments, which are from jealousy anyways. And I still post pics, because I'm proud of the fish I catch.
correct, their just jealous and need an excuse to justify it, I've met rusty and believe me he's a hardcore dude, keep it up man
I'm not sure what the big deal is... This time of year, those numbers are not uncommon for guys who spend time on the tribs.
Rainbow said:
Over 50 is possible...

Floss like a boss. LMAO I never get tired of this pic.
Ya its hard to put an honest# to how many fish I have caught this past month but 75-100 would be fair if you go out often and know what you are doing its not hard to hit high numbers especially at the right spots and times
well into the triple digits here. Lots of em legit but I don't lie to myself. Drifting through a pool with 50 fish in it....flossing is gonna happen....a lot. If the hook is on the edge of the mouth it was flossed, even when the hook is on the inside of the mouth i'm still skeptical. Fishing in 2' of water with 100's of fish blowing through like a certain trib last saturday is unethical and intentional flossing. But even when you fish the deep pools its still gonna happen.

Fishing off the pier is a whole new ball game, if you want to feel some hard hits and have fish peel out 100's of yards into the lake the pier is the place to be.
openfire said:
I'm not sure what the big deal is... This time of year, those numbers are not uncommon for guys who spend time on the tribs.
yup...what is it they say..."fish in a barrel"
NADO said:
well into the triple digits here. Lots of em legit but I don't lie to myself. Drifting through a pool with 50 fish in it....flossing is gonna happen....a lot. If the hook is on the edge of the mouth it was flossed, even when the hook is on the inside of the mouth i'm still skeptical. Fishing in 2' of water with 100's of fish blowing through like a certain trib last saturday is unethical and intentional flossing. But even when you fish the deep pools its still gonna happen.

Fishing off the pier is a whole new ball game, if you want to feel some hard hits and have fish peel out 100's of yards into the lake the pier is the place to be.
you can't beat fishing off the pier or in my case the beach. That moment when your line just stops is addicting. Better have a tight grip!
IR4JFlyfishing said:
you can't beat fishing off the pier or in my case the beach. That moment when your line just stops is addicting. Better have a tight grip!
I think I know where u are, is that east?
only loogans brag about chinook, congrats guys you caught a fish in 8 inches of water with heavy line and theres a 100 of them infront of you!
steelhead101 said:
only loogans brag about chinook, congrats guys you caught a fish in 8 inches of water with heavy line and theres a 100 of them infront of you!
not entirely, have you tried landing a 25+ lb fish on 6lb line running around in a river in which a fish can takeoff on you and get you into your backing ? that is something to brag about and honestly fight wise i prefer nooks over anything else i can catch in a river
steelhead101 said:
only loogans brag about chinook, congrats guys you caught a fish in 8 inches of water with heavy line and theres a 100 of them infront of you!
Why? you feel better........FYI I hit so many salmon the other day I had to hold the rod with my leg because my arms fell off. Don't be a Steel Snob, enjoy other peoples happiness and if that's not possible Keep It To Your Self.
Been Float Fishing hard core For Over 10 yrs and I still love to have a few salmon days, guess I'm a Loogan Then :???:

Rusty And Everyone Else ENJOY They put them there for us to catch. Just be kind and release more then you keep.
one man's trash is another man's treasure... i.e carp fishing isn't exactly boasted about in North America now in Europe that same species is considered golden.
you mis read what i said, i said that people who BRAG about chinook numbers are loogans. because people who ethically fish for them simply don't get 20 fish in a day unless they were fishing in a lake o ditch.
how can someone not legitly hook 20 in a day when legitly fishing? i did it and witnessed tons of other people do that yesterday on a lake o trib, when theres literally a thousand fishing running the river your gonna get stupid numbers. and guys, if you hook a fish anywhere but the mouth, even if ur legitly fishing, snap the stupid thing off dont waste a bunch of peoples fishing time trying to land a 20 pound fish hooked in the dorsel fin and then ask me to take a picture of it lol saw some morons yesterday gotta love salmon, one guy was tossin an alabama rig in 8 inches of water .......