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goodentight said:
Am I the cool one lmao
if you're about 60 years old...then pretty close. but then again that old dude was actually the cool one in that movie. lol
Healthy fun arguments...you can't beat that. I was float fishing with worms the other day....this guy on the other side told me i don't have the right presentation. I won't catch a salmon with my rig. then i landed a small brown about 12". and also caught a bass. i see salmon but i can't seem to "catch" them as this dude said. few minutes later, with some ninja like moves or what not, he managed to cross the river and was right next to me...wtf?! then i saw his set up. 3 split shots...24" leader...deliciously prepared...pink...marshmellows...i didn't say it out loud but i thought..."screw you guy, i'm going home!"....
416fish said:
Oh so does anyone know where people are catching atlantic salmon? Like where the season is open?
Lake O zone 20,
SPORTING LICENSE 1 fish over 24.8inches
Conservation licsnese NO FISH - 0 - ZERO - NADA - DO NOT KEEP

check the regs.
416fish said:
I heard there is no season for atlantic salmon. Does that mean we can still target them? So we are able to target species out of season but we just can't keep them right?
Zone 16 and 17


i usually LIKE to help people but, check the regs yourself before you go fish man.
Just wondering because people here are saying they prefer to catch atlantic salmon over chinook and I assume we are all talking about river fishing... soo... are these people loogans?? :idea:
I guess that would depend on whether they're fishing for Atlantics or not. I find it hard to believe that anyone's targeting and successfully catching Atlantics here on a regular basis.
jc53 said:
I prefer trying to fight an Atlantic or a rainbow over the nooks. Atlantics put on quite the acrobatic show.
To each his own.
ya well i cant target lantics here so i cant fish for them, out of what i can fish for ill stick with my nooks

float^drifter said:
x2 Atlantics put on quite a show. 5lb salar can put on better show then 15 lb nook lmao.

416fish said:
Just wondering because people here are saying they prefer to catch atlantic salmon over chinook and I assume we are all talking about river fishing... soo... are these people loogans?? :idea:
river55 said:
I don't know if its different on the lake o tribs where there are so many more fish and less water.

Ya its definitely different on a few of the Huron and GB tribs. So much big deep water close to the mouth that they are still in staging mode and you can get hits out of them much more easily. 100 fish in a 200' x 70' pool vs. 100 fish in a 30'x10' pool.
416fish said:
Just wondering because people here are saying they prefer to catch atlantic salmon over chinook and I assume we are all talking about river fishing... soo... are these people loogans?? :idea:
Loogans LMFAO

If you need to know they run with all the nooks, rainbows, cohos and browns. We do not target them as they hit the same thing the other species hit.
I have seen them on west piers which is zone 20 and they hit aggressively.
416fish said:
I heard there is no season for atlantic salmon. Does that mean we can still target them? So we are able to target species out of season but we just can't keep them right?
you can't target Atlantic's anywhere in Ontario except in one place and its far
jc53 said:
Zone 20 Conserv=0, Sports=1
sorry my bad I don't fish them at all I thought they were closed everywhere but the north good to know but I still won't target them
beef said:
sorry my bad I don't fish them at all I thought they were closed everywhere but the north good to know but I still won't target them
so if you were shore fishing lake o would u b able to keep it or would you have to be in a boat ?
Technically you could but I cant understand for the life of me why they would ever have an open season for them when they are struggling to bring them back.
ChasinTails said:
so if you were shore fishing lake o would u b able to keep it or would you have to be in a boat ?
Actually a friend of mine was fishing at the PC rocks and asked the MNR officer the tech of it. He said it was fine because it was considered zone 20. Never keep them though they fight like crazy.