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steelhead101 said:
you mis read what i said, i said that people who BRAG about chinook numbers are loogans. because people who ethically fish for them simply don't get 20 fish in a day unless they were fishing in a lake o ditch.
i brag about a near 40 lber i caught last night, guess im a loogan
ChasinTails said:
not entirely, have you tried landing a 25+ lb fish on 6lb line running around in a river in which a fish can takeoff on you and get you into your backing ? that is something to brag about and honestly fight wise i prefer nooks over anything else i can catch in a river
I prefer trying to fight an Atlantic or a rainbow over the nooks. Atlantics put on quite the acrobatic show.
To each his own.
jc53 said:
I prefer trying to fight an Atlantic or a rainbow over the nooks. Atlantics put on quite the acrobatic show.
To each his own.
x2 Atlantics put on quite a show. 5lb salar can put on better show then 15 lb nook lmao.
jc53 said:
I prefer trying to fight an Atlantic or a rainbow over the nooks. Atlantics put on quite the acrobatic show.
To each his own.
I heard there is no season for atlantic salmon. Does that mean we can still target them? So we are able to target species out of season but we just can't keep them right?
416fish said:
I heard there is no season for atlantic salmon. Does that mean we can still target them? So we are able to target species out of season but we just can't keep them right?
you cant target out of season fish
I do not believe 416 fish. I would believe that from seasoned angler but from a first season. Com on, 59 + salmon?????? This is my second season and you wanna know how many I caught on my first season? Zip. Hours of pain on the pier and then early mornings on the river, all the hours, and came up with nothing. That was all learning. And now on my second season. Ive been out 5 times, for 3-5 hours each time. And I got ONE. ONE. And the reason I keep going is because the fight from these beasts is incredible. And Im doing everything right. I retrieve the spoon slow, change retrieves abit, change colours, change shapes, and I have it where the fish are, the bottom. Unless of course your practicing your dentistry...
Catfish said:
I do not believe 416 fish. I would believe that from seasoned angler but from a first season. Com on, 59 + salmon?????? This is my second season and you wanna know how many I caught on my first season? Zip. Hours of pain on the pier and then early mornings on the river, all the hours, and came up with nothing. That was all learning. And now on my second season. Ive been out 5 times, for 3-5 hours each time. And I got ONE. ONE. And the reason I keep going is because the fight from these beasts is incredible. And Im doing everything right. I retrieve the spoon slow, change retrieves abit, change colours, change shapes, and I have it where the fish are, the bottom. Unless of course your practicing your dentistry...
I drift with roe bags, bottom bounce with roe bags and crawlers, and fly fish using a bead or egg fly. Was out 3 hours today, landed 8. Just because you didn't catch any fish doesn't mean other people couldn't. If you want me to give you some spots to try out then just ask :p There's plenty of people who fish the same creek as me
416fish said:
Oh so does anyone know where people are catching atlantic salmon? Like where the season is open?
There are a few mixed in with the salmon and chrome. People hit them by accident fishing for other fish. They are a migratory salmonid indigenous to ontario. In the 1800s there were huge runs of them but is decreased till there was almost none in lake ontario. I think they believe it had to do with over fishing and possibly bad genetics.

Catfish said:
I do not believe 416 fish. I would believe that from seasoned angler but from a first season. Com on, 59 + salmon?????? This is my second season and you wanna know how many I caught on my first season? Zip. Hours of pain on the pier and then early mornings on the river, all the hours, and came up with nothing. That was all learning. And now on my second season. Ive been out 5 times, for 3-5 hours each time. And I got ONE. ONE. And the reason I keep going is because the fight from these beasts is incredible. And Im doing everything right. I retrieve the spoon slow, change retrieves abit, change colours, change shapes, and I have it where the fish are, the bottom. Unless of course your practicing your dentistry...
lol similar for me, but I was fishing up north here. Lost a couple nice ones off the pier with spoons. Me and my buddy spent a day and a half fishing a gbay trib for them, just hit rainbows no salmon. We were essentially the only guys not fishing ear plugs and styrofoam.

I infact had one surprisingly hit a roe bag of mine while I was fishing for chrome, so silver I though so was a tank steelie. It seemed at least for me I could catch 10X as much chrome as nooks.

I don't know if its different on the lake o tribs where there are so many more fish and less water.
Catfish said:
In the anus
I saw that yesterday someone do that. You need to point your rod towards the fish and break the hook off. Don't try to fight or land the fish it's not good