Ha! Look who it is with his Pooch. Good seeing your ugly mug again on the Kenai Dave!Fishheads said:so far these are some of the better pics I have received
Keep Them Coming. Lots Of Time Left
Thanks for the support so far
Mike @ Fishheads
Most of the larger pictures are using a photosharing website like photobucket, from there you get an image information link that when you post will create a large image... Hope this helps I did a very poor job explaining itflandogg said:I dont know how to make the pictures bigger in the posts. It only gets bigger when you click on it. If somebody knows how to do it, please let me know!
Ahhh gotcha, will try that out next time. Thanks IR4J!IR4J said:Most of the larger pictures are using a photosharing website like photobucket, from there you get an image information link that when you post will create a large image... Hope this helps I did a very poor job explaining it