fishing is banned in toronto harbour...$2000 fine

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well its a start, its gonna spread to other communities if we dont make a move.
Start calling your Councillors if you live in Toronto.
That will for sure bring some Positive action for Anglers.
Good Luck Toronto Anglers.

Even if you don't live in the area you could always call in or write a letter opposing what is going on.

I refuse to believe there is more then a very small minority whom are against fishing. There's nearly 1m licensed fishermen in Ontario, add to that children & family who enjoy the sport as well, and (I believe?) seniors not requiring a license.. our numbers are really strong. And then like many issues, many people would be indifferent (not against but not involved either). If we don't voice ourselves we will simply be trampled on.

the statements here should raise the hairs on the back of the neck of anglers across Canada....your rights and your access to water to fish are threatened by the weakened laws that protected them.

if july 11 vote is successful we may have only won a battle to lose the war.....the bigger picture is just comming into focus.

you need to read and follow events and participate when asked......waterkeepers is an excellent site from which to do that.
Quoted from "tangledline"'s post on another forum. I thought it should be posted over here. More people need to read and understand the potential outcome of this.
By the way, reading the link ... meh ....

If you live in a place like Toronto where the commercial fishery has already been wiped out, there are no fish of “commercial value”. The Fisheries Act won’t protect your fish.

If you live in a place where traditional fishing practices have been eliminated, there are no fish of “cultural value”. The Fisheries Act won’t protect your fish.

If you live in a place where a city can simply erect a “No Fishing” sign to keep recreational anglers away, fish of “recreational value” can disappear overnight. The Fisheries Act won’t protect your fish.

But there is one problem in 1898
The Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in London, England, ruled that the property rights of inland fisheries were vested in the Province. As a result, the Province of Ontario obtained jurisdiction over the fisheries of the province from the federal government.

And then in 1913 ...
The federal fisheries department agreed that “the propagation of sporting fish in Ontario will be left with the provincial government.”

1926 ...
The Ontario Department of Game and Fisheries assumed control of all eight federally operated fish culture stations in the province.

1959 ...
A federal-provincial agreement was signed to delineate federal-provincial responsibilities with respect to fisheries management. The federal government assumed responsibility for sea lamprey control and general fisheries research on Lake Superior while the provincial government became responsible for general fisheries research and collection of routine fisheries statistics on Lakes Huron, Erie, and Ontario.

Skip a few years to 1989 ...
The Supreme Court of Canada ruled that the province has the authority to enact regulations to conserve and protect the resources where fish stocks are clearly the property of the province.

In 1992 after that the MNR went from assessing the Great Lakes to managing them ...
Great Lakes Management Units were formed within MNR. The units were comprised of previous Great Lakes Fisheries Assessment Units.

The Feds still do work in Ontario don't get me wrong, but regardless of what they do or not, most of the daily tasks are handled by the MNR, and our fishing won't be too badly effected by any changes in the Fisheries Act.

GREAT STORY about some of the MAIN ISSUES that are PREVELANT in our whole ACCESS of WATERFRONT.

*Home Owners / Boat Owners pay taxes and have just as much RIGHT to their enjoyment.
However, seems to CROSS the LINE when they believe they OWN the WHOLE FRIGGIN WATERFRONT!

At least in Toronto, you don't get thrown in jail for surfing at certain beaches, like you do in Chicago.
iwas fishing from the sidewalk at portland street slip....3foot gar in front of me...harrbourfront security car pulls up and the guy freaks out at me.
there are 5 other guys fishing the spadina quay area...none around the boats but the security guy is reading me the letter of the are fishing from shore into harbourfront property therefore breaking rule #24 of the port authority...he has the hand book...he is charging me with trespassing and i am to leave or he will force me to.....i explain the weeks events he doesn't answer me...he turns his back and calls for more security....i tell him i ain't going no where...he tells me the security will remove me, the police will be called, i will be given a $2000.00 fine and arrested. ....i was so angry at this point i would of got myself into a big mess with security so i told him to just call the police.
police marine unit comes and all persons fishing are sent away....they leave me to last ...i explained the situation to the police and they show me the port authority handbook and tell me that until their boss is instructed otherwise this is the law...if i do not leave now i will be fined $2000 and for refusing to leave i will be going with them...i was so angry that the police officer asked why...he said he had no problem with me and would i go and fight this another way...i agreed and departed....they had to ask a guy fishing in a boat to leave too....
iwas fishing on city side walk that is 5 metres wide...but i was fishing into port authority waters that are managed by harbourfront security.
this is this example there is no where to fish in toronto harbour that is must pay to travel to the toronto islands to fish
is this what the city of toronto has become???​

Bull sh*t man!!!!!!!!!! Can't beleive that happened, never heard of that before.
Will never fish the Toronto Harbourfront. My brother got in poop a few years ago, but lucky no fine. It will cost you $7 if you take the ferry over or $40 to take the taxi over. Oh dont forget the $20 for parking. I would rather stick my line in the fish tank at the grocery store then fish Toronto. Thanks
Fishing a year later after the no fishing signs came down.

June 12, 2012 Councillor Fletcher presented a speech at The Gladstone Hotel at a Lake Ontario Evenings Event. Councillor Fletcher had just come from City Council after introducing a motion that would remove the "Ban on Fishing" along Toronto's waterfront. "The Gone Fish'n Motion" had begun its process through Council with immediate results the next day. Councillor Fletcher and her fellow Councillors had the "No Fishing Signs" taken down June 13, 2012 . We owe Councillor Fletcher a huge debt of gratitude and thanks.
Exactly a year later June 12, 2013 Toronto Urban Fishing Ambassador attended a Technical Workshop for The Greater Toronto and Area Waterfront: An Urban Recreational Fisheries Plan. The Final Project Charter June 2013 is attached please give it your attention as the work and effort that has gone into it is a testament to the dedication of the partners creating it. One year after the "No Fishing " signs were taken down we have a solid plan in action for the future of recreational fishing for Toronto and Surrounding Area. Remarkable and wonderful vision and work by all the partners involved with a special thanks to Councillor Fletcher.
Recreational Fishing now has a solid foundational plan for Greater Toronto and Area Waterfront. Momentum and synergy are on the side of the "urban angler" and The Partners that steward our wonderful fishery. We have expanded our Family Fishing Events in early July and there is much more to come in the near future. We hope you are finding the time to enjoy the fishing opportunities at your doorstep.

Thanks for all the Fish!
....Wow! Congratulations for the success in helping to bring abut the change in policy/attitude. Your very first post a year ago was so frustrating to read... security, cops, my god, people, it's fishing for crying out loud!

Took a year but yes, individuals, groups, united by a passion can bring about change at the city hall level. One can't begin to imagine the amount of work involved.

Obviously, every angler in TO owes you and your compatriots a load of gratitude for reversing policy and letting everyone wet a line in their own city.


Good seeing you back.... ponder returning full time :)
This issue has come a long way! GOod work!

NOw if only fisherman can claim the former Ontario place lands for fishing.. There is some good fishing to be had in those lagoons and channels!
Go to Toronto Islands, it's not banned there. They have a boat house with canoe and paddle boat rentals and they will lend you fishing rods with plastics (limited supply). The fish are still very large at the Toronto Islands. It's actually easier to catch fish there. Narrow waterways etc, vs a great giant lake.