Float fishing questions

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2014
I just started to get into float fishing in the East. I got a Okuma Aventa combo (13' 6") last year but I haven't had time to use it much. I had Raven 10lb high-vis yellow line on it but it seemed to heavy so I switch to 8lb Sigon F but after read some of the forums, I realized I should of bought nanofil. I use a lighter Raven leader with micro swivel. I place the shot on my main line starting under my float. My first question is how to determine the amount of main line below the float and as well the length of the leader? I usually do not fish deep water usually 1' to 3' (or less). I run the depth of the water I am fishing plus 12" of leader is this correct? For example, if I am fishing 2' of water, I will have 2' of mainline plus 1' of leader. I keep the rod tip up and the float leans upstream a bit. Should it be perpendicular to the water? Does this work for deeper water 4'+? My cottage is on the Notty (Beach 2 area) and I wanted to try my luck out there but how would I have to setup my rig?

In addition, I got hip waders for the time being and was wondering if there were places to avoid walking? I do not want to disturb the environment of swanning fish.

Thanks for the help! Any and all tips are welcomed.
welcome to the forums, to my fishing style, the float should stay upright, and depending on water speed will determine the length and heaviness of the rig, i run a shot line and a leader, so sometimes fast shallow pools needs a bit longer rig than slow shallow pools, it took me a while to figure out how to somewhat get a good idea, but the main thing for me is leaving enough length in the shot line to go deeper and adjust it if necessary, mind you i go out fishing at least once a week, so up until now im just getting comfortable and most of the time im alone, spend the time, experiment, see what style and technique works great for you and the water that you fish, this is just my 2 cents i hope i gave you a bit of knowledge, tightlines!!!
If you go with nanofil use a shot line, as shot moving on nanofil will shred your line. Your depth sounds good , the more you hold back the float the more line you need under the float. The fish should see your offering first. Pictures of redds were shown recently in another thread.
Thanks guys. I will keep trying, I think I will get out next Tuesday or Thursday. I just don't want to harm the fish in anyway. I think I may try some a guide in the fall.

staffman said:
If you go with nanofil use a shot line, as shot moving on nanofil will shred your line. Your depth sounds good , the more you hold back the float the more line you need under the float. The fish should see your offering first. Pictures of redds were shown recently in another thread.
Do I need shot line if I don't use nanofil?
I use a shot line if I'm using high vis mono or fireline crystal or nanofil, otherwise it isn't necessary.
staffman said:
I use a shot line if I'm using high vis mono or fireline crystal or nanofil, otherwise it isn't necessary.
Does it make huge difference to have high-vis line and not use a shot line? I just changed my line. Now that I think of it, I could save my shot by using a shot line. I am assuming I should use clear mono the same test or less as the mainline but larger then the leader? For example, 10lb main, 8lb shotline and 6lb leader?
i usually go with the actual depth from float to hook up to 1.5-2x the depth depending on how fast the current is going.
enough weight to balance the surface current and bottom current so the bait sways in front of the float and the float stays upright

also, if you have some stupidly bright a mainline you might want to try using a shotline with a neutral color or increase your leader length a bit. unless its muddy then it wont matter
The notty is about 20 ft deep from angus downstream. Complete mud water, at least when Ive been there. Its almost like that river is dredged out, it deep and a flat, mud bottom. Try bottom bouncing
balt0 said:
Does it make huge difference to have high-vis line and not use a shot line? I just changed my line. Now that I think of it, I could save my shot by using a shot line. I am assuming I should use clear mono the same test or less as the mainline but larger then the leader? For example, 10lb main, 8lb shotline and 6lb leader?
TheFishWhisperer said:
The notty is about 20 ft deep from angus downstream. Complete mud water, at least when Ive been there. Its almost like that river is dredged out, it deep and a flat, mud bottom. Try bottom bouncing
I'm sure my backyard is not 20' deep. I've walked across the whole river and I'd say 5' max. Maybe it's changed but I can't imagine 20'. I've use to see people trolling and catching fishing near my place. The mud water is true, it is very murky.

staffman said:
Any recommendations for what line to use?
i use hi vis 10 lb main line, i like to use a shot line just to play it safe, i use an 8 lb leader for shot line, i make it fairly long so that i can keep my float on the shot line and not on the main line, (its not necessary but i do it, because i usually fish gin-clear water). After that i use a foot or a foot and a half of 6 lb leader and just a hook on it and if its a faster flow then ill put a TINY split shot closer to the top of the leader.
balt0 said:
Any recommendations for what line to use?
the raven line you have is fine, i use it myself with little troubles. maybe try the moss green or neutral color if youre gonna use a shotline.

as for the leader use something nicer. i use drennan flouro and since ive switched to that ive had a lot less break offs and kinks forming. totally changed the game for me.
before i would use trilene/berkley vanish, while i could catch fish fine, drennan made such a huge difference in leader durability for me.
even pulling it out of some snags and not needing to change leads is a nice convenience over a long day. 4-6lb depending on visibility/situation
Shmogley said:
the raven line you have is fine, i use it myself with little troubles. maybe try the moss green or neutral color if youre gonna use a shotline.

as for the leader use something nicer. i use drennan flouro and since ive switched to that ive had a lot less break offs and kinks forming. totally changed the game for me.
before i would use trilene/berkley vanish, while i could catch fish fine, drennan made such a huge difference in leader durability for me.
even pulling it out of some snags and not needing to change leads is a nice convenience over a long day. 4-6lb depending on visibility/situation
don't forget that drennan has a much thicker diameter then other brands for the same lb test, for example 6 lb drennan is the same as 8 lb sea guar, thats why you're experiencing less break offs, but its to the price of the leader being more visible to the fish.
I've been using Raven leader flouro line. I guess for the shotline, any clear, moss green or neutral colour will work. I have some Trilene (old package) that I got from Wal-mart for $4 that I can use. I am going to try to get out to a Trib in Scarborough tonight on my way home from school.
Sadly, I haven't had time during good weather this week. I was about to go to Highland creek on Wednesday but it was raining so I went to Bluffers park. I will post an update soon as I get out. I did buy some flies from BPS today like in the picture and a snell holder for my leaders.