General Salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners

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Re: Are there trout in the Credit river?

There was one guy that looked like a shark. Does that count? :oops:
Re: Roe or Little cleos for Salmon

Cleos and roe are used in entirely different circumstances. To compare the two is comparing apples to oranges.

Cleos are used at river mouths to trigger strikes from staging salmon that are actively feeding, whereas roe is most effective (if at all) when drifted by salmon holding in upstream pools to trigger an instinctive strike.

At the mouth of the river: Cleos work well. Staging salmon feed voraciously on bait fish, thus Cleos, which imitate bait fish, are extremely effective. Roe in this scenario is as effective as styrofoam, marshmallows, earplugs or a bare hook, for all of the aforementioned baits can sang a salmon equally effectively so long as a sharp hook is employed.

In the river, upstream: Salmon do not actively feed, but instinct takes over. There is evidence to suggest that a salmon will strike out of instinct or aggression. In this scenario, a roe bag continuously drifted by a salmon may trigger an instinctive strike. A Cleo would be highly ineffective if not impractical in this scenario.

So, Cleos are better at river mouths for salmon, and roe is better up-stream.
Re: Do trout attack roe too?

fisher12 said:
Do trout attack roe and are they in the Credit at the same time with the salmon?


a) Trout especially attack roe.
:oops: The first few fall-run trout begin to enter the Credit at the peak of the salmon run (now), so yes, some trout are in the Credit at the same time with the salmon.


c) I admire your hunger for knowledge as a beginner, but you have started way too many threads about very similar topics, so here's what I will do: I will sticky a new thread entitled "general salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners". Please ask all further questions you may have in that thread and I and other members will be happy to answer all of your questions as best as we can.

General salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners.

If you have very basic questions, please ask in this thread from now on. Thank you. :oops:
Re: General salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners.

openfire is right.

Salmon in the river usually strike out of agression. Stoneflies and egg sucking leeches are great. Yarn works well also. Something to catch their eye and piss em off. Try different type of colors.

Trout love roe/flies/yarn from what I know since that's all I really fish.

This is mainly for rivers that I know.

You really have to go out and learn and ask the locals questions and watch what people are doing.
Hell don't even ask, just watch and you can learn a lot.
I'll be the first to say not everyone will talk or give you advice. I've seen guys walking the rivers covering up their bait so no one else sees it and as if no one else uses it. "I told the guy beads aren't a secret and he doesn't need to cover it." He realized I was right when he noticed me and 5 other guys were using them on that stretch.

This board is great for giving information but unless you go out and find out by trial and error, reading info off a board only goes so far.

If you are using a roe bag/flies under a float you have to learn shot patterns, the flow, what how much weight to use and when not to use.

I pinned for weeks before hitting a fish. Months before landing one. But I watched and asked what I could to learn. I can honestly say I'm confident when I'm at the river. Wasn't always that way though. I used to hate fishing with large groups of guys cause I knew I was the rookie and didn't wanna mess up anyone's drifts. But you learn. Gotta go out and try, get some guys together and meet up somewhere. Have a day and just try different stuff. It's FUN!
Re: Do trout attack roe too?

openfire said:
fisher12 said:
Do trout attack roe and are they in the Credit at the same time with the salmon?


a) Trout especially attack roe.
:oops: The first few fall-run trout begin to enter the Credit at the peak of the salmon run (now), so yes, some trout are in the Credit at the same time with the salmon.


c) I admire your hunger for knowledge as a beginner, but you have started way too many threads about very similar topics, so here's what I will do: I will sticky a new thread entitled "general salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners". Please ask all further questions you may have in that thread and I and other members will be happy to answer all of your questions as best as we can.

Okay thank you
you'll get more solid answers by googling.

I guess this forum is good for specific questions like updates.
Re: General salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners.

fisher12 said:
openfire said:
If you have very basic questions, please ask in this thread from now on. Thank you. :oops:
even if the are not about trout and salmon.

I merged all of your threads here because you were starting too many new threads about topics that were already being discussed in existing threads. I was kind of busy, so I didn't go through and pick and choose which threads to merge, I just quickly did them all.

About Lake Aquataine, please ask your questions in this thread:

...and so on. There are over 20000 posts on OFF, so a quick search will probably bring up a thread related to your query. Just to help keep things a little more organized around here, I would appreciate if you try to add to existing threads whenever possible.

Re: General salmon and trout fishing questions for beginners.

openfire said:
fisher12 said:
openfire said:
If you have very basic questions, please ask in this thread from now on. Thank you. :oops:
even if the are not about trout and salmon.

I merged all of your threads here because you were starting too many new threads about topics that were already being discussed in existing threads. I was kind of busy, so I didn't go through and pick and choose which threads to merge, I just quickly did them all.

About Lake Aquataine, please ask your questions in this thread:

...and so on. There are over 20000 posts on OFF, so a quick search will probably bring up a thread related to your query. Just to help keep things a little more organized around here, I would appreciate if you try to add to existing threads whenever possible.

okay i'll try my hardest but some times i'm gonna have to create a new thread.
I'm fairly new to salmon/trout river & pier fishing. I've been in Erindale Park and Bronte a fair bit over the last few weeks. I've been using a spining reel and thinks like meps/panther martin spinners and some small kwik fish. I've noticed the majority of people using float rigs, I had to look up what it was they were! (by the way, is excellant). Anyways, these seem to be the most preferred method. Is there any point to using cast/retrieve tackle like spinners? Or should I invest in some float, hooks, eggs, etc?