Jail Time or Major Fines

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Active Member
Apr 18, 2016


Read that.

I am so happy to actually see one of theses extremely elusive, hard to catch CO officers enforcing the law. It really made my day. But then I thought, jail time?? I mean, let's use our tax dollars to put this guy in jail for 20 days.. in the scheme of things, that's really no big deal especially when put up against the alternative of the 'up to' $25,000 fine PER offence. I'd say fine this guy $25,000 for all four offences, and that's getting off easy. At his age, he probably couldn't pay it, but I'm willing to bet that 20 days in jail won't teach an old dog new tricks. Putting him in jail just means the general populations tax dollars will make this guy miserable for less than a month.

Yea, he's 71. He's also go prior offences in the realm. Make him pay, and put that money to sustainability.

Your opinions?

I had the same discussion with a friend when I read this article. My bet is that this guy couldnt afford to pay a fine and thats why they did jail time.

I agree that 20 days in Jail is no big deal especially for a 71 year old man.

I hope he is never allowed to possess a fishing license again!
Take his licence away for life, case closed. If he attempts to fish with out one and gets caught, then throw him in jail for a year.
floss_boss said:
Surprise, at 71 he does not need the license.
No surprise about not needing a license after 65, its right near the beginning of the regs.
Perhaps he can still be banned from fishing for life. And maybe the crown could look into any assets and seizing them if there is any value like they used to.

Alfiegee said:
No surprise about not needing a license after 65, its right near the beginning of the regs.
Perhaps he can still be banned from fishing for life. And maybe the crown could look into any assets and seizing them if there is any value like they used to.

Well last week we got the idea that most don't read them. :mrgreen:
But yeah seizing assets and all the fishing gear would make him think twice next time he decides to cast.
In all my time on the water I can say I have seen maybe 3 CO and have been asked twice for my license. That over 20 years easy.

As for my boaters card things I have never been asked once to show that.

And what does that mean for the 100's of lines in the credit each fall using massive treble hooks with a marsh mellow. We all know all that set up is doing is holding the hook off the bottom hoping to snag a salmon no?
Salmon are stocked for one reason.
And one reason only.
Huge charter business meat and potatoes.
And I think that's GREAT.
But truthfully a fish that comes up river to die is low on the enforcement list.
Fall hunting trumps every time.
I know alot of the members on this forum are young and some have not even started their careers yet. Takes big bucks to outfit for big lake fishing.
But anyone who's had the luck to fish salmon on big water knows.
The fight on open water is incredible and absolutely no comparison to the fight in 3 ft of water on our rivers.
The increased MNR presence on trout migration instead of salmon does make sense.
Just my view of course.
Tight lines
tossing iron said:
Salmon are stocked for one reason.
And one reason only.
Huge charter business meat and potatoes.
And I think that's GREAT.
But truthfully a fish that comes up river to die is low on the enforcement list.
Fall hunting trumps every time.
I know alot of the members on this forum are young and some have not even started their careers yet. Takes big bucks to outfit for big lake fishing.
But anyone who's had the luck to fish salmon on big water knows.
The fight on open water is incredible and absolutely no comparison to the fight in 3 ft of water on our rivers.
The increased MNR presence on trout migration instead of salmon does make sense.
Just my view of course.
Tight lines
It's the stigma that gets casuals to hit a river during fall because it's salmon. Most people I know don't even know what types of salmon are in the rivers during fall. That's why more people fish for them than trout, and more people means, better chances of illegal fishing, whether intentional or not. I've seen a guy on a local marina, catch salmon after salmon and people who just walk by assume he's some kind of a fishing pro.... his secret....
I in no way Dill agree to the treatment fall salmon receive. And have cut more than my share of illegal rig setups.
I'm getting a little long in the tooth for confrontation. Lol
Sadly when it's time whether the water is high or not these fish run.
Horror show at Bronte some years.
Salmons biggest downfall is their size.
Too much temptation for the inexperienced fisherman to resist.
Poor fish is more above the water than in.
Like weekend musky fisherman they seem to think it's Macho catching something that big.
The vast majority of people snagging salmon on the body get away with it. Here's where it gets really interesting though: most salmon hooked in or on the mouth upstream of the lake are flossed, meaning that nearly everyone who fishes for salmon in small streams around the Great Lakes is snagging in one way or another.
So not true Rainbow.
I've had coho nail so hard I barely kept the rod in hand.
Same with chinnies.
Flies yarn single egg and sponge.
All successful.
I admit their not hitting out of hunger.
But they are territorial and very protective.
I didn't say they don't bite. I'm saying the majority of hookups that I've seen on small streams in the fall are due to flossing. This is something that I've payed very close attention to.

It's worth noting that sometimes it's impossible to tell if the fish really bit or not when using long leaders. If the length of line below the float exceeds the depth of the water, then the risk of flossing increases tremendously.
You said nearly EVERY ONE.
Took that literally. Lol
Just ticks me off when people say they don't hit.
lots of people think steel don't hit when spawning also.
it doesn;t matter whether or not the fish is spawning to die, it still deserves respect. i wouldn't be surprised if salmon caused water levels to rise a little bit just due to displacement. lol

hopefully people get a big shock in PH this year with dedicated local police patrolling the river 24 hours a day......

my boss recently talked to Mitch Phinney about PH, he said it was the worst thing hes EVER seen, he thought B-ville was bad until he saw that gong show
Sad state of affairs.
And I'm sure the MNR will make a good buck this year at PH till these idiots realize enough is enough.If the salmon didn't bring the much needed revenue to these small towns every fall we'd all be pushing for a Sept to Oct closure.
there has been major pushes for a no kill zone through town, presented to town officials. if this enforcement doesn't work, i think they will put up no trespassing signs along the river. they've been more than accomodating to the ummmmm anglers? can we call them that? that fish the rapids.
Agree with rain-bow...the odds of flossing a salmon is pretty high during the runs. It's really hard to tell. A good indicator is when using beads and it never moved. Most of my steel hookups moved the beads to the hook. it's not 100% accurate either. it's unintentional but it happens a lot. Now if you see an angler that uses beads 6 inches...it gets me to hmmmm?
I know some would enjoy a big fight with a salmon but I have gotten tired of it. I'd go river fishing during the runs just for the chance to hook up a brown...but other than that...I'm mostly just targeting bass and pike during fall...