keeping awake on the road

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Snypa said:
Yeah man !!! I've seen that happen many times, people need be very aware of their surroundings especially on a busy highway or on a sideroad, a lot of people normally think of the side of a highway being quite safe, same here for many years. Then in the 90's that show "REAL TV" came out, couldn't believe some of the footage they would get, I can't tell you how many times I've watched this show and I swear, I've must've seen soo many highway/sideroad crashes caught on video in that show, all of which were caught on the cops car vid camera, during a routine stop for speeding, next thing you know, here comes a 18 wheeler going at least 120 km, litterally obliterates the car that the speeder was sitting in, not even a second or two later. Makes you realize how precious life really is !!!

I remember those REAL TV videos. Scary stuff indeed.
I try to alternate with my fishing partner while driving. I am the one that usually falls asleep, so I drive there and partner drives back. Eating light snacks helps, other than that it is the slap on face.
kennyhman said:
you should try eating some sort of spicy snack.. usually works for me :)

good idea
sometimes we try sour foods/snacks but they only work for so long
i think spicy could do the trick!
If you really need to cover some ground three or four bran muffins and some strong coffee will give you plenty to worry about, falling asleep will drop to the bottom of your to do list.

Maybe I'm a freak but there are few things I love (other than fishing, my wife etc) as much as road trips. On a business trip on a slow sunday in Iowa I drove 1200km's just for the hell of it. Nice drive.
longsilver said:
If you really need to cover some ground three or four bran muffins and some strong coffee will give you plenty to worry about, falling asleep will drop to the bottom of your to do list.

Maybe I'm a freak but there are few things I love (other than fishing, my wife etc) as much as road trips. On a business trip on a slow sunday in Iowa I drove 1200km's just for the hell of it. Nice drive.

same here about the road trips! they're quite relaxing.
Buy a better car! which you'll actually enjoy riding more.

I personally have always wanted to buy myself a Jeep Wrangler... ever since I got my driver license... yet for reason never bought one.

Yes, driver & passenger seating comfort level in Wrangler is bad (especially for long drive & gas :wink: ) but the fact that you can rip out entire roof & doors should make you really enjoy the drive you can do :wink: I think. Atleast that is how I think of it in my head. :wink:

Than again I think the new Wranglers are uglier than previous generation models, it's got larger and look like?? hummer? But I'll re-think about it when Jeep decide to bring a diesel version of Wrangler to North America. Rest of the world already have it anyways.

Oops. got little off topic here.

Screw the car! Take a trip via Train!
kennyhman said:
you should try eating some sort of spicy snack.. usually works for me :wink:
haha...good one man, although ur probably gonna be doing a lot more pit-stopping than actual driving :wink:
MikeyMikey said:
Buy a better car! which you'll actually enjoy riding more.

I personally have always wanted to buy myself a Jeep Wrangler... ever since I got my driver license... yet for reason never bought one.

Yes, driver & passenger seating comfort level in Wrangler is bad (especially for long drive & gas :wink: ) but the fact that you can rip out entire roof & doors should make you really enjoy the drive you can do :mrgreen: I think. Atleast that is how I think of it in my head. :wink:

Than again I think the new Wranglers are uglier than previous generation models, it's got larger and look like?? hummer? But I'll re-think about it when Jeep decide to bring a diesel version of Wrangler to North America. Rest of the world already have it anyways.

Oops. got little off topic here.

Screw the car! Take a trip via Train!

The new Jeep Wrangler is awesome, comes in 6spd! the only hummer I would buy is the H1, the H2 & H3 have nothing on Jeep. My nieghbour has an H3 and after breaking a tie rod going "minor offroading" wishes he bought a Jeep. The ride in the Wrangler is not bad not as comfy as my Jeep my but not bad at all.

I love Jeeps, from now on I will only buy jeeps. In 2011 they are coming out with the hybrid jeeps.
When will JEEP release Diesel engine ? Whenever the new diesel something policy? standards are set?
I guess that is when even VW can finally sell some new TDI. (current model i think is still 2006 design).

Btw... 6 speed would be awesome but I don't like manual. It's gotta be auto for me. Yes... that would be not the best idea for Jeep Wrangler but like i said I am more interested in cool factor of jeep wrangler than it's offroad capability.
I also do I agree.. H1 just kicks ass.

HECK! If I win a lotto I would love to own a Dodge Ram truck with Cummins engine!

Sorry to chibi for slight off-topic.
n/p mikeymikey!
it can give others more information on vehicles they might be eyeing =)
Hey chibi, I do alot of driving and mostly at night when the highway is wide open. Aside fomr slapping yourself in the face, lol. I have tried many different types of Energy Drinks, RedBull,Lost,Amped, ect ect. The only proble is their loaded with crap thats bad from you, and after 4hrs or so you bomb off the sugar and w/e else is in it high. And if you can make it without having to stop and pi$$ I commend you, if you drink one of them they hit your bladder like 4 or 5 coffee,lol. The best product I've tried by far is this little shot glass sized bottle called 5hour energy, theirs two different kinds ive seen, they dont have any suger or other crap you dont need, and you dont bomb after drinking it, I use them on my off days or early fishing mornings and they are great. There not that bad tasting either. Hope this helps, and if all else fails, find a nice quite spot and grab a couple winks*, just to be safe.
MikeyMikey said:
When will JEEP release Diesel engine ? Whenever the new diesel something policy? standards are set?
I guess that is when even VW can finally sell some new TDI. (current model i think is still 2006 design).

Btw... 6 speed would be awesome but I don't like manual. It's gotta be auto for me. Yes... that would be not the best idea for Jeep Wrangler but like i said I am more interested in cool factor of jeep wrangler than it's offroad capability.
I also do I agree.. H1 just kicks ass.

HECK! If I win a lotto I would love to own a Dodge Ram truck with Cummins engine!

Sorry to chibi for slight off-topic.

Jeep already has diesel engines in the 08 grand cherokee, its a 3.0L Mercedes CRD. they also had diesel motors in the jeep liberties a while back. I don't really like the diesel versions unless your driving 50,000kms+ a year, parts are more expensive, plus diesel is now more expensive and you better use good diesel as the crappy one will clog injectors and thats big $$$, and the premium you pay for the diesel I think is around 4k more. So in the long run if your not driving a zillion kms and make your own biodiesel(thats you can't use in the winter gels up) all your saving is time refilling less and not any real $$$ in savings.

I was going to get an H1 but got the Jeep commander instead, parking the H1 would be impossible in underground lots, ie downtown, & most places I work. When I did an oil change last January I had to use my dads garage as it wouldn't fit in mine and the comment came up good thing I didn't get the hummer;) If I was living out of the GTA I would get one for sure.
McLean said:
Hey chibi, I do alot of driving and mostly at night when the highway is wide open. Aside fomr slapping yourself in the face, lol. I have tried many different types of Energy Drinks, RedBull,Lost,Amped, ect ect. The only proble is their loaded with crap thats bad from you, and after 4hrs or so you bomb off the sugar and w/e else is in it high. And if you can make it without having to stop and pi$$ I commend you, if you drink one of them they hit your bladder like 4 or 5 coffee,lol. The best product I've tried by far is this little shot glass sized bottle called 5hour energy, theirs two different kinds ive seen, they dont have any suger or other crap you dont need, and you dont bomb after drinking it, I use them on my off days or early fishing mornings and they are great. There not that bad tasting either. Hope this helps, and if all else fails, find a nice quite spot and grab a couple winks*, just to be safe.

The energy drink I use is diet REd Rave from Costco, no sugar and it does help when working out or early morning drives. its like 80 cents each. cheaper then a coffee. does'nt give you as much energy as some other drinks tho.

I want to try the 5hour energy one.
Hmm, I'll have to try them Bigfisherman, I go to Costco all the time. I recommend trying the 5hr's the nice thing about them is you can down in in one or two gulps max, and they work withing minutes. I find any other energy drink thats the size of a coffee works the bladder hard and needing to drain the main vein,lol.
I will definatley try the ones from Costco though, I work nights and can park to cruser when needed for a pit stop. Coffee doesnt it the spot sometimes so It will be a nice change. Thnx for the tip.
p.s. hope the walleye spots I sent you help for opening weekend.
Its worth the drive.
we'll definitely have to try (the healthier) energy drinks! thanks for the suggestions!
and yep... anything that'll be nice on the bladder is favourable haha
lol, the energy drinks mentioned above doesn't seem to work for me anymore. i guess i've been drinking so many during test/exam week that my body has become desensitized to it :). Maybe tea will help.
kennyhman said:
lol, the energy drinks mentioned above doesn't seem to work for me anymore. i guess i've been drinking so many during test/exam week that my body has become desensitized to it :). Maybe tea will help.

mmm i like tea, but it makes me pee like crazy hahaha.
good luck on your exams! i feel you too. i'm in the middle of my finals as well.