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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Hey everyone,

My name is Scott and I live in the Toronto area. needless to say, I use fishing as an escape from the hectic city living. I've been a Registered Massage Therapist for 4 years, and it affords me quite a bit of time off to get my line wet.

it's nice to have a forum that is Canadian and can get some local info and advice about our much beloved past time. Keep up the good work.
Hey Everyone,
My name's Dave and I'm an alcoho....oh nevermind wrong forum. I'm in Brampton where there is absolutely NOWHERE to fish lol but I love the sport and have been into it for about 20 years now.
Always looking for fishing buddies...and no not the brokeback type either lol
Hi Everyone!
My name is Cyn. I just started fishing recently with my relatives. So I found the forum with google. :D I live in Toronto, but we drive up north a bit to go fishing. It's really fun, but I haven't caught anything yet.
Hey, My name is Wes I'm from Sudbury.

I found this site just by googling fishing forums.

I've been fishing my whole life, but didn't really get into it until the last 2 or 3 years. Before that i used to go with my dad and we'd troll around or still fish the whole time. Talk about boring but we still got out. Then one day I was invited to go with a friend of a friend who was in essence a power fisherman. Before this I never fished in a boat with a bow mount trolling motor. After that I was hooked, he and I became good friends and fished the whole summer together and caught a ton of fish. Last year I bought my own rig. It' s a 14 ft. Tracker SuperGuide 14 tiller with a MinnKota Powerdrive 55 for a bowmount.

I love fishing spring pike and through the summer I fish mostly smallmouth and some largemouth. There aren't allot of Largemouth in my area.

If anyone knows of good Largemouth lakes in the Sudbury area or Espanola area where my camp is let me know!
I am Pammie from Toronto Ontario. I don't get to fish much, but I had an experience of fishing in Boston two years ago and it was fantastic. I really enjoy fishing, it's really fun. I'm a total beginner in fishing. I found this site from
just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU! to openfire,
for the awesome strike king spinner bait. THis baby should come in handy this year for the bass and pike i'll be hunting. Looking forward to the 100th post,lol and many more.
Thnx again
Hi everyone!! My name is Jon and I'm from Stouffville. Looks like you got a nice site here. Found with the good old google. I mostly fish for bass and spend most of my summer doing so on Pigeon lake. I managed to get out a lot last summer and caught a lot of fish. Hoping for the same this year.
Hi guys,

Just introducing myself here. I've been born and raised in Scarborough but I love a good fishing trip. I found out about the site through google. Going on a fishing trip next week, just want to know what the reports are looking like.
I generally fish for bass, pike, waleye, and lakers.

I'm going up to Manitoulin island next week so if you know of any good spots send me a pm.

Look foward to reading the posts!

Hey my name is Pat. I usually go fishing on Chemong Lake, Rice Lake and Lake Simcoe. The largest fish i have ever caught is a 5lb large mouth bass
openfire said:
If you are new to the site, make your first post here and tell us a little about yourself, what you enjoy fishing for etc... Also, please be sure to mention how you found out about us.

After you have introduced yourself, shoot me a PM with your full mailing address and I'll send you an OFF welcome wagon gift!

Welcome to the site!



Hi My name is Vince
I only to make it out to fish a couple of times per year but i absoulutely love it.
We go up to Lake Nippising every year the week end after the May 24 holiday
We usually fish for pike and or walleye
Hi, I have not fished too much in Canada but am looking forward to it. Most of my fishing has been done in the UK. Hope to learn some new fishing sites and tips here.

Durham region

Hi All,
New to the forum...glad I found it. I'm looking forward to discovering new areas to fish...anyone fishing the DURHAM REGION???

How come no maps in the Durham region???
Hey boys..I'm Zander...I'm from Toronto(GTA) and I love to fish for bass(smallies and bucketmouths) and pike for the most part...I've been trying to find some places to fish close to the Toronto city, and I've found a couple places...
Grenadier Pond
Toronto Islands
If you have any other places please let me know and I'll try 'em out! Also..if you have fished these spots, please tell me what you used and if you were successful! Those free gifts sounds pretty cool..Can't wait to get 'em!
hi ever one
my name is joey
i live kelowna BC but used to live in kitchener Ontario
love to fish and hunt for the big ones with my family and always trying to learn new and old ways to catch fish and new species like burbot and the fish no one wants to get
my goal ever year is to catch ever type of fish in the province
any one want to chat leave me a message have lots to talk about
hi when i fished the island for bass i used gray and brown pepper tubes off the first drop off on the north side of the island and for pike i just went along the shore and used a silver shad power bait 6 inch
let me know how you did
Hey all, My name is David, I have been fishin since I was a wee boy, going afew times a year with my father. We where never really that good, but enjoyed ourselves never the less! I continue fishing as much as possible, Bass are my favorite. I have fished all-over southern Ontario, northern Ontario, parts of Quebec, P.E.I, South Carolina...I still am not very good...LOL! Can`t wait to get out there this year, been once to the Humber River, flowin too fast after heavy rain. Got nuttin! Ok C ya all later!
Hey all

My name is Cam. I love to fish and can spend all day on our boat if I wanted to! I always say my plan in life is to have a good job, have a good family, retire and then go fishing! lol I live in the Sudbury area and fish just about anyhwere there... I would love to find new places too.
Hey Guys & Gals

My name is Mike and I've decided I wanted to get into fishing this year as I'll finally have some free weekends to relax and I thought what better way then fishing with some buddies! I'm from Ottawa, Ontario so if anyone has some good places they can recommend for fishing or even some stores in general that I should know about. Shoot me a PM with details!

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