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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Hey folks, my name is Bruno and I´m brazilian. I´m going to Ontario in 7th August and I will probably stay in Barrie, where my wife is going to study for 1 year. I´m very addicted fisherman. I was working in a fishing store here in Brazil, but I have quit my job for live this experience that I believe will be fantastic. If some of you live around Simcoe County and are looking for a partner who will be always excited to fish in any conditions and share the costs, I´m here! I´m also looking for job oportunities around this area, I´m graduated in Tourism and Hospitality and whatever opportunity will be welcome.

Bruno Corrêa
bcorrea said:
Hey folks, my name is Bruno and I´m brazilian. I´m going to Ontario in 7th August and I will probably stay in Barrie, where my wife is going to study for 1 year. I´m very addicted fisherman. I was working in a fishing store here in Brazil, but I have quit my job for live this experience that I believe will be fantastic. If some of you live around Simcoe County and are looking for a partner who will be always excited to fish in any conditions and share the costs, I´m here! I´m also looking for job oportunities around this area, I´m graduated in Tourism and Hospitality and whatever opportunity will be welcome.

Bruno Corrêa
Welcome aboard.We have some members living around that area.Stick around this forum and you will find lots of info.thx
Hey everyone,

I'm Luke and I've had my interest in fishing wonderfully reinvigorated by a relatively new group of grad school friends. It has been a fantastic transition to go from strictly panfish with my grandparents as a ten-year-old to chasing everything from bass to walleye to musky. Speaking of which, that same group of friends and I are heading up to the Ottawa area for a conference next month and I was hoping to track down some general tips to make the fishing experience more fun and worthwhile. Of course, being from the states, I have nothing to contribute to the fishing reports section, so I would certainly appreciate any assistance any of you are willing to provide. And no, I'm not looking to steal anyone's honey hole, I'm just hoping someone can help narrow down the gigantic list of potential lakes, rivers, etc. Thanks everyone.

Hello, nice to find your site. I will be going to haliburton lake next week i wonder if any one could tell me what type of fish i would be fishing for there. I will be on a family vacation and mostly fishing from the shore. Thank's and hope to hear some of your responces.

Welcome aboard everyone!
Our members have been increasing at an alarming rate and thats great! Not to mention the amount of people who stick around. Great site, very informative and really really good people.
So sit back and enjoy the ride!
Any questions or concerms there are lots of people willing to help.
If you see Mikey getting out his fish bat, stay still and wait it out, He usually calms down after a few posts!! j/k 8)
Holy mackeral, lotsa new people...I have only been here for 2 and 1/2 months, and I feel like home, there are lotsa good people here, and lotsa help and info, thanks to everyone that posts so hard!
Hi all....newbie here, do some fishing in Long Point Bay and Bay of Quinte area. Mainly walleye and bass, but nothing beats a good feed of perch.


Hi my name is chad from ajax ont 14 and have been a lurker on this site for over a year i''ve noticed it changed and decided to join i'm a bass fisherman and i'm looking forward to getting to know you guys 8)

Keep fishing
Hi Chad!
Nice of you to finally get on board! (so to speak)
(Nice pic by the way, quite a hog!)

disspatcher said:
Hi Chad!
Nice of you to finally get on board! (so to speak)
(Nice pic by the way, quite a hog!)


Thanks did any of the mods get my repot yet?
Hi, my name is Tinson, I'm pretty new to fishing in general. I Live in Markham, Ontario which is fairly close to the city of Toronto. I went fishing a couple times with a friend's uncle but I slowly got into it with a couple of friends and I think it's a great hobby. I’m hoping to learn a lot of this site especially techniques to catching every type of fish. People here in this forum are very helpful and friendly which is what I like about this site so much. I hope to meet other members in this forums and share our experiences.
hi all my name is larry and live in brantford ontario , ilike to fish for walleye and all fish but the eyes are my fav hope to meat some of u out fishing .other than fishing all i really do is work and spend time with the family. thanks forr letting me join your awsome forum
Hello all!

My name is Emil, and I live in Milton, Ontario. I used to fish with my dad when I was younger, but slowly grew out of it a few years ago when my dad began to fish less and less. For whatever reason, I caught the bug again this year, and have been hitting the lakes pretty hard (since mid-June) and the websites even harder lol. (Oddly enough, fishing has hit back, aiming directly for the wallet)

I have used the internet and websites like this one to learn alot about local fishing locations, and to share what knowledge I may have to others like me. I love the idea of fishing local spots that others are leary to because they don't know if there are fish there. When I drive to different places, I always wonder to myself if there are any fish in any and all of the bodies of water I pass on the road.

In and around the Milton area, I have fished Mill Pond (in the heart of "Downtown" Milton), Lake Aquitaine (Mississauga), the bridge where Lower Baseline Rd crosses Sixteen Mile Creek, and the Mountsberg Reservoir.

I also have gotten into making my own lures, and am very appreciative of the luremaking section of this website as it provides valuable how-to knowledge and inspiration for ideas of my own!

I hope to continue learning from this great resource you have here, and to contribute in my own way as well.

Tight Lines!

Hi folks,im a new member and fairly new to fishing.Just got geared up and looking forward to my 2 weeks off next week at 13 island lake.
Unfortunatly,i have no boat because i have a tent trailer to pull around.I do lots of camping with my two young kids.
Sadly i need to rely on friends for boat outings :D
I live in Ottawa.I stumbled on the sight by doing a search on Google.I enjoy all types of fishing,mostly Bass and Walleye etc.
Hey guys,
Just signed up and excited to be here. Im 22 from Ajax Ontario. I havent been fishing for too long.. just kinda got into it recently. I usually rent a boat and fish around Gore's Landing at Rice Lake. I hope to learn some tricks to catching walleye and muskie around the area.
My name is jason I am from Espanola Ontario and have fished for as long as I can remember.

As far as what i like to fish for.... is there anything else other than Pickerel ( walleye ) ???

My Father bought a Lodge in Northern Ontarion (just outside of Espanola) on Lake Panache (Penage) In January 2000 I lived and ran the lodge for 5 years. I also guided for Northern Pike, Walleye, Small and Large mouth Bass. Also Black Bear, Deer and Moose!!

My Father and I are regretfully selling our lodge located on the West Bay of Lake Panache (Penage) In Ontario, Canada. It has 4 eight man cabins, convenience store, 67 seat restaurant and bar. The Hunting is great the fishing even better!!

The Lake is 2,200 miles shoreline and is 278 ft in the deepest spot.

Large & small mouth Bass, Walleye, Northern Pike, Lake Trout, Perch,and white fish to name a few habitat the lake.

If anyone is interested I have created a quick Internet based PP presentation which you can also contact my Dad or myself from.

Hey all,

My name is Fraser and I picked up fishing about 6 years ago and have been hooked ever since. My favorite species to fish for is smallmouth bass and lake trout but I really like catching every thing. I've made some attempts at catching musky but havent even seen one yet. When I first stated I didnt know anyone who fished, but as luck would have it most fisherman are more than wiling to give a helping hand. So through the fishierman I've met and still meet I feel like I've learned a great deal about the sport. In fact thanks to forums like these there doesnt seem to be a problem that I cant solve. Good luck with your fishing everyone and hope to talk to you soon.
Guess I should say hello again as I got pulled out of town for a couple of months,

Back in CA now and time to get back at it. Life is good again!

Anyone else get caught in that storm Saturday holly frig what a storm no shelter no nothing just back to the storm and fish on till I could not see 10 ft in front then under a bush not much better.

Hi All,

My name is Gavin and I'm 27 years old. I spend most of my time playing hockey, soccer and fishing. I've been fishing my whole life. I started fishing for salmon and rainbow trout in and around Owen Sound, ON. I then picked up bass fishing in the last 5yrs. I recently moved to Toronto in the last year with my new job. Since it's getting tougher and tougher to get away to go fishing; I started researching on the net where I could do some fishing in Toronto (mainly Toronto island), which led me to this site. Since I know next to nothing about the fishing on the island and pike fishing in general; this site has been great resource for me . If anyone is headed to the island next week and is looking for some company, I'm on holidays and looking to do some fishing and learning the ropes of the island.

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