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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Hi everyone, my name is Chris. I have been fishing since I was 9 and loved it ever since. I enjoy it with friends over beers at the cottage. I mainly fish with worms because it's really the lazy way of it. :shock:
Hello everyone, my name is Daniel. I have been getting back into fishing the past few years. I started car topping my canoe to upgrade from shore fishing last year. Species I like are bass and crappie, but salmon are fun too.
The name's Jon, I like fishing because I love wild fishes (for eating), taste soo much better than what I buy at the supermarket...fillet it and fry it...*drool*

I'm pretty amateur, so I stay by the dock only

openfire said:
If you are new to the site, make your first post here and tell us a little about yourself, what you enjoy fishing for etc... Also, please be sure to mention how you found out about us.

After you have introduced yourself, shoot me a PM with your full mailing address and I'll send you an OFF welcome wagon gift!

Welcome to the site!


my name is crappy and I enjoy the catch. I hate the eating it but it is fun to fish for them.
openfire said:
If you are new to the site, make your first post here and tell us a little about yourself, what you enjoy fishing for etc... Also, please be sure to mention how you found out about us.

After you have introduced yourself, shoot me a PM with your full mailing address and I'll send you an OFF welcome wagon gift!

Welcome to the site!



Just joined. My name is Tom from Ottawa, ON. I fish mostly on the local river and lakes. Enjoy fishing for just about anything with my boys...heard about this through
cosanostra, BvilleFISH3, ivanip, dbernardo, jennifer, crappy, danz24, tmleafs26, firebreath, Cheezy1, tekkan, singur, durtbag, CanadaBoy, traian1, fsh, offuserid and shadychink, welcome to all of you!

Thanks for joining. I noticed that some of you have PM'd me your mailing address, some have not. If you're one of people who haven't yet PM'd me your mailing address, please do so that I can send out your welcome gift.

I hope you enjoy the site!

Hey my name is Dave. I live in Toronto, Ontario. I've been fishing for 10 years now, since i was a kid =). I usually fish with my older man and his friends. I love fly fishing because of the rush i get when i get bait. Anyways, there is a bit about myself. Good to finally find a forum about fishing !

Hi everyone! I grew up fishing with my family but haven't been for a few years (bogged down by work and life I guess), although my dad still goes on some days that I'm at work. I had always been a fan of live bait (worms, minnows, occasionally leeches), and I especially love to catch black crappie and pickerel. Nothing tastes better than fish that is fresh from the lake! I found this website through a post at Red Flag Deals. Maybe I'll get back into it someday. Nice to find a website like this.
Hi All:

I was introduced to this forum through RedFlagDeals, although I must confess to being an avid angler. I used to go fishing a lot with my father and brother on the French River, and then a bit on Lake Ontario. I lost interest - due to sports - but my brother and cousin kept on fishing. A few years ago I picked it up again and love it, so much so that I sometimes get 1-2 hours of sleep in the summer just so that we are on the water in time for the morning bite! I like to go for bass and walleye, although any fishing action is fine with me.

I am on another fishing board but am finding the layout of this one much more user friendly.

I look forward to using this site to share tips and fishing spots.

Hi my name is Jason from Richmond Hill, ON and i'm new here. I've always enjoyed fishing but hardly have the time to go fishing. This year i'll make more effort to go fishing more often. I know of a few places near by my house but the fishes are smaller. I want to try fishing in larger areas where i can catch larger fishes.

I'm looking forward to this fishing season as well as chatting it up in this forum.

Hey Everyone, my name is Wes, from Peterborough, my 7 year old son and I love to fish. But I am tired of catching Sunfish and Rock Bass. I am hoping to get some tips and tricks from the forums so we can finally catch something big.
Hi everyone, I'm a newbie to the site from Scarborough, Ontario
and so far it looks like an interesting and active site.
I've fished for years and love it I used to go early in the morning
like 5-6am and come home around 5 at night being outside fishing all those hours made me
tired so i'd sleep like a baby. I also love the song i'm gonna miss her by brad paisley
if your an avid fisher and like country music you have to hear that song lol
here's the video for a good laugh ... ss-her_fun
Hello: My name is Lee and I'm new to this forum. I haven't been fishing for quite a while, but this forum has inspired me. I love the feeling of the tug on the line. I live in the Hamilton area and love to go to the little towns around my area to fish. I plan on buying new fishing gear for this years season. Can't wait!!
Hello everyone:

My name's Steve and I just registered to this forum site. I've been a fisherman for a long, long time. I'm a Bass fisherman only. I fish in the Bancroft region for the most part. I look forward to getting more fishing information from all of you and giving up some of my Bass fishing wisdom.
I'm Mike, in Eastern Ontario. i fish with my 2 sons, and group of various friends. we fish in small back lakes, or the big lake.
pretty much anything that is in season. Its all catch and release. Just for fun.

heard about this from my wife...
hi everyone! I live in toronto. my dad used to take me fishing all the time and guess what, he still does!i hope to read and learn more about fishing hot spots in the area.
need all the fishing tips i can get fish lake erie and nrthern ontario
Husband and 14 year old son love fishing. I need to show them that i can get the big one.
Hi! My name is Joshua, and I'm 19 years old.
Ever summer, me and my friends bike over to Lake Aquitaine in Meadowvale and cast our lures early in the morning.
We are relative newbs @ fishing, except our one friend who seems to catch everything larger than ours!
One of my friends purchased a rocket launching lure from Wal-Mart, and it was an absolutely horrendous fishing product. Better to just use real lures themselves.
Well, looking forward to finding some new fishing spots in and around the Mississauga area.
If anyone has had similar experiences with the Rocket Launching lure, feel free to post lol!
Hi! My name is Raymond and I am from Toronto. My patience is towards catching salmon in Lake Ontario. I hope to learn about more fishing spots and more tips and tricks about fishing. I found out about this site from Thanks!
Hi, I'm Abdul and I'm new to the new fishing thing. All my friends are talking about the fishing trips they're going to have in the summer and I'll most likely take part of it. The website is awesome for beginners like myself and I hope the pros on the site will continue to contribute as I am learning a lot.
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