Preparing Rainbow Roe

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Hello. New member here.
What i do for my roe is put them in zip lock bags and zip close about 80% of it. then dunk the bag in a big bowl of water except the last section that is not zipped closed. This will push out all the air. At this point, close the remaining 20%. Viola, you have a airtight seal.

I don't put anything on my roe. Just freeze it after it has dried.
I freeze mind in water....I fill a cupcake tin with a mix of cured roe and water. Let it freeze, then take out the hocket pucks, bag em and back into the freezer.Grab a puck the night before and shes thawed for the a.m.
No sharp crystals under water to puncture them ,and not exposed to the air to get freezer burned. Worked for me so far.
disspatcher said:
I freeze mind in water....I fill a cupcake tin with a mix of cured roe and water. Let it freeze, then take out the hocket pucks, bag em and back into the freezer.Grab a puck the night before and shes thawed for the a.m.
No sharp crystals under water to puncture them ,and not exposed to the air to get freezer burned. Worked for me so far.

i bet you have mistaken the roe for a cupcake and took a bite as late night snack.