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Ontario Fishing Forums

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Chunk said:
They're right up there with the highly prized river chinook.
WHAT!??!?! chinooks are un unwanted by catch for most, in a day i might get 30-50 kings, whereas i may only get a handfull of bows, chinooks are nice while theyre fresh and chrome, but dies along with the fish
Kings = Chinook. Brown trout don't really have exact spawn time, roughly same time as every fish that comes up, some times before Chinook. That is why no one really catches tons of browns. Mainly luck to catch one. Unless you are lucky and go to some holes that are filled with lots of them. There are some rivers that have huge brown runs though. Steelhead fight a lot better though.

i catch bows in different area codes
goodentight said:
50 kings in a day eh

Rainbow said:
Sounds legit. lol
that was once but ive had easy 30 plus days and i just cut the line or try and pop the hook out because id rather target bows and trout and not have to deal with reviving the fish and all that
Few from the past week, lots of rain made for high water and lots of fish

Morning low lying cloud





Sweet surprise, first Huron laker
