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FisherGirl said:
Yeeeeehawww!!! First real catch on the pin!!
a beauty! and he fish looks pretty good too!! :razz:
I had my best day today. I thought I'd share some from the last week. Thanks to fishfreek, fishergirl and IR4J for their help.

Nice catches CJR

Where did you pick up that cord for your mesh glove?

I'm looking for something similar for my forceps.
not that, but dollar store has key springs that you can use
CJR said:
It came with the glove, but I think you can get something similar from the dollar store.

Black Creek you loogan. :rolleyes:
When you mention Black Creek, the only one that comes to my mind is a full concrete lined "trib" that hooks up to the Humber River by 401 LOL
Got out 2 nights ago for a shot at some night fishing for browns, fished from 7 to around 9:30 with a glow bead and some pink fly I found a few weeks ago at a river that works wonders on steel, cohos and browns it seems like! Got a big male steel, probably around 12 pounds and a small brown around 6 pounds, nice hen, too bad it swallowed deep, tried releasing it but she just wouldn't swim off, so I kept her and was rewarded with a ton of brownie roe and some awesome tasting meat. Had another brown on and a few steel but was too dark to take pics, took a vid. but you can't see crap in it, just hear the reel screaming lol. [/URL[URL=] [/URL[URL=]