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Catching a big fish as the first fish of the day is usually bad luck for me. I always notice I have bad luck after that and usually pack it up after not catching anything for a few hours lol.
That worked exactly the opposite for my Dad and I. We flew into a lake near Temagami a number of years ago. By the time we were on our lake and had set up camp we only had the evening to fish the first day. We headed over to a nearby bay with lots of dead-fall, likely looking for some Smallies. Dads first cast landed on shore, he yanked his lure into the water and it was hit right away. He brought in the biggest Smallie I have seen face to face ever, I'd give it 6 or 7 lbs.
As he unhooked it and released it he said," If fishing is going to be this good we'll get some to eat tomorrow."
Well, fishing wasn't that good, we caught nothing the next 3 days. Finally we did figure out where the Bass were hanging and what they were eating and caught 100 our last 3 days, but nothing nearly the size of the first one.

I assume that everybody here knows better than to whistle in a boat and we don't need to classify that as a mere superstition!!

So what's wrong with Whistling in a boat and why is it not a mere superstition?

Nets, banannas, dots, etc. bunch of Hooey!

"If you think you can't, you probably won't."
So what's wrong with Whistling in a boat and why is it not a mere superstition?

Nets, banannas, dots, etc. bunch of Hooey!

"If you think you can't, you probably won't."
Hey FH. I can't whistle never could. I just don't like bananas. And yeah if I'm after big fish then a big net comes with me. I watch these guys on TV trying to pick up a 15 lb Pike with their hands. WTF grab a net, land the fish and release. A lot less stress on the fish I would think.

Just the nature of the Alfie beast :lol:

Never eat until I catch a fish
There is always a period when a new rod has to be 'seasoned' before it will start catching fish
Hard baits must be seasoned too
Firm belief fish feed the most based on the transit of the moon. All trips planned around the solunar calendar. Bit of a lunatic that way!
My cheaper rods catch more fish, but my pricier rods catch better fish (just a superstition, not a statement!)
A lure that catches a personal best is retired
Wow!! I didn't see the earlier report until just now. That would certainly shake me.
Reminds me of 2 summers ago fishing an Eastern Superior trib. A friend (very drunk.) wanted to jump off a 25 ft high, hi-way 17 bridge. He wanted to ride the current. From the bridge you could see the water was no more than 5 ft at the deepest. I had to physically stop him.
He was 21 and at work used to make jokes like, have you ever seen a 20 yo beat up a 50 yo with me in fun. Well he experienced a 50 yo beating up a 21 yo that day.

Cool...Thanks for sharing your 21 yr old friend is very lucky indeed Alfie! :cool: