That worked exactly the opposite for my Dad and I. We flew into a lake near Temagami a number of years ago. By the time we were on our lake and had set up camp we only had the evening to fish the first day. We headed over to a nearby bay with lots of dead-fall, likely looking for some Smallies. Dads first cast landed on shore, he yanked his lure into the water and it was hit right away. He brought in the biggest Smallie I have seen face to face ever, I'd give it 6 or 7 lbs.Catching a big fish as the first fish of the day is usually bad luck for me. I always notice I have bad luck after that and usually pack it up after not catching anything for a few hours lol.
As he unhooked it and released it he said," If fishing is going to be this good we'll get some to eat tomorrow."
Well, fishing wasn't that good, we caught nothing the next 3 days. Finally we did figure out where the Bass were hanging and what they were eating and caught 100 our last 3 days, but nothing nearly the size of the first one.