I am not going to argue with you, however I wonder how long you have been steelheading. I suspect probably for the most part less than ten years. Clearly none of you remember the days when nearly every Georgian bay or Huron fish that was caught was killed. Clearly you've never seen several hundred caught and kept at the Ganny in a day. When I first started, this was the norm, and the fish are still here. Yes the limits have been reduced, yes a lot of angling organizations have done a lot of good work, but the fish are hardy! The limits as they are set now, are quite reasonable and it's doubtful they are having much impact on the fishery! If someone is keeping fish to eat, and staying within their possession limits at all times the. I am all for it! I'm a pickerel or panfish man myself for the plate but if someone wants to eat trout every week... Fill yer boots. Anyone over limiting, or keeping greater than their possession limits should be dealt with accordingly! There is too much emphasis out on this C.P.R b.s. there is nothing wrong with catch and release, until it becomes overbearing. No harm comes from keeping fish within the law!