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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. Shepp

    lamprey sightings

    G10, I wouldn't waste my time reporting it. My first report to the Ministry about lamprey was over 30 yrs ago. I received zero info on the creature or what I should do with it. And Alfie, I doubt the MNR has been taking measures on anything for some time. They keep telling me the American Eel is...
  2. Shepp

    Tips,Tricks and advice for bass,pike fishing.

    Pike/Muskie, go with spoons, the shinier the better. Seek shallow inlets where weeds will be heavy as summer progresses. I make my own......3" spoon with wire extension(for minnow), and a double hook at the end. If there's any in the area you'll get 'em. Spoons work well for trolling to if you...
  3. Shepp

    It's all downhill from here...

    Love the blue milk crate storage compartment at the back.....classic! Nice catch. Cheers.
  4. Shepp


    Try-hard, although not in your area, and not familiar with the bodies of water you fish, I do have a suggestion. Seek out some locals and buddy with them and your luck will improve. Everyone has their little tricks and knowledge that has been accumulated over the course of time, either through...
  5. Shepp

    Carp Boilies

    Guys, I think perhaps some of you have mis-interpreted my post, or perhaps I didn't come across the right way. The fact that I can't see why anyone would target carp is simply my perspective, and I'm entitled to it. As Shawarma puts it, "some target certain species over others". What I do know...
  6. Shepp

    Carp Boilies

    Guys, I've been stalling but I really have to weigh in on this one. Who in God's name would ever target a carp??? They are the ultimate junk fish and extremely destructive as well. Within a week or so they will be congregating in an inlet just up river from where I live. They will be spawning in...
  7. Shepp

    Newbie to river!

    Use the cheapest rod you've got and tie on a pickeral rig with a bell sinker and load it up with minnows or worms, or both. How deep you fish will determine what you catch. Cheers.
  8. Shepp

    new license fees

    LMAO, good one. I must admit, you had me going for a bit cuz nothing surprises me in this province. Congrats, and well done. Cheers.
  9. Shepp

    new license fees

    Nothing but a tax grab, or as they like to term it, "revenue tool" in Ontario. There is no way this would positively or negatively impact fish stocks of any species. I remember when they first brought in fishing licenses at $11. Apparently this was to monitor and maintain fish populations. I...
  10. Shepp

    Cut bait

    I've yet to see any regs regarding cut bait as they don't fall under the invasive species category. I'm assuming given the time of year you are seeking bullheads,(mud pouts to some) out of the creeks. The best bait for me is raw liver. It's cheap & easy, and the cats can pick up the scent miles...
  11. Shepp


    Compost pile anyone??? Not those silly plastic things, but a homemade gate type structure. All my expired garden plants as well as leaves and grass cuttings and perishable foods go in there. Once a yr I flip it over with the pitchfork and put the decomposed in the garden. It only takes me 1/2hr...
  12. Shepp

    What type of fish did I catch ?

    This reminds me of crappie,(pun), pics we see of UFO's, Bigfoot, or the Loch Ness Monster. I'm seeing one tail lying on top of another. Is this a failed attempt at photo shop???
  13. Shepp

    "Hello" from near Ottawa, Ontario

    Chris, no sweat, we all start out as earthworms it seems, lol. No, Cornwall is south, I'm east, about half way between Ottawa & Montreal.....waterfront.
  14. Shepp

    "Hello" from near Ottawa, Ontario

    Welcome Chris. I'm new here myself and only about an hr east of you. Maybe we'll cross paths on the water in the future. Cheers.
  15. Shepp


    Got me a great fiberglass fixer-upper to replace my tin can and soooo anxious to get working on her. Weather ain't cooperating and I'm showing signs of cabin fever. This winter came late here but we're paying for it now. I'd be happy to be out on liquid snagging a carp right about now.
  16. Shepp

    Hello OFF PPL

    Hello Hamilton, I'm about 1hr east of Ottawa. Live on the river so I have easy access. Fall walleye is my fav but I live by the philosophy.....if it bites and fights, I'm good. Getting primed for the spring crappie run. Lots of pike, bass, and muskie up this way to. Cheers.
  17. Shepp

    Hello OFF PPL

    Good afternoon fishin' folks. I'm happy to join in and over time I'm sure I'll be able to add some good fishin stuff. Great to be aboard. Cheers.