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Ontario Fishing Forums

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  1. disspatcher

    Newbie here

    Hey Adam Welcome to OFF I hope you enjoy yourself, there is lots of good info on here, and for the majority a good bunch of people. Tight Lines; Disspatcher.
  2. disspatcher

    Wilkes Dam

    This board is all about enjoying the resource,exploring it,preserving it and education. Sometimes people make mistakes, but we are all about correcting it and hopefully not making them again in the future. Lets move forward on this and please be careful in "Flaming" one another. Tight Lines
  3. disspatcher

    Wilkes Dam

    Eric; I think calling you a "poacher" may have been a little harsh; like calling a person with a "moving violation "a criminal. Although yes Rules may have been broken, the definition of a poacher is one who illegally takes fish/wildlife, which you have stated you did not do. But I do agree with...
  4. disspatcher

    Wilkes Dam

    Actually guys ;Briguy is 100% correct!! It is in the regs that a fish must be immediately pictures, no showing buddies, nothing. One reason they do this because the longer(even 1 minute) the fish is out of water, it is away from its nest...while you are taking pictures, the nest is...
  5. disspatcher

    Lake SImcoe Smallies

    Nice going Diggy...quite the hog~
  6. disspatcher

    Board may be down for up to 24 hours

    Give' er!
  7. disspatcher

    Major OFF overhaul coming... Fresh ideas wanted!

    Ready when you are Capt'n~ :D
  8. disspatcher

    Sunday, July 25th, 2010

    Beauty colours on the hog of a smallie!! Well Done Diggy
  9. disspatcher

    Do you need a fishing license for catching "garbage" fish?

    Were these people fishing with Mickey Mouse Ears and cameras around their necks? Did they have Hawiian shirts on with socks and sandles? Did you see luggage stacked up on the shore? Passports? Duty Free Bags? What in the world would make you think they were fishing without a licence, let alone...
  10. disspatcher

    Salmon Run

    40lbers are the bigguns this year...and still growing!!! Hang on tight.
  11. disspatcher

    A Real Beauty!

    Congrats! Hope everyone is doing fine.
  12. disspatcher

    Toronto Islands 1st pike!

    Nice pike! In the last pic, if you have a glove...grab the fish by the tail and support the head just behind the gill plates...just like you have it, just back to front! :wink:
  13. disspatcher

    OH CANADA!!!

    Boys in Blue from all over Ontario did a fantastic job during the G20. Few issues could have been handled a little smoother, but all in all...a few broken windows..Hell Montreal gets that after a Habs loss!!
  14. disspatcher

    Need Help With Pike Fishing

    Lucky Strike 5 of Diamonds....#5 Bell Spinner....Large Creek Chub 2" under a float....any of these just off the weedbed will get pike.If there are minnows swimming in the are the pike. No Pike....find "fresher" weeds...more oxegyn + more action.
  15. disspatcher

    Question on Lemon Flavoured Tackle

    For any of your steel/metal lures...clean them with WD40! The salmon trolling guys spray their spoons with WD for added scent,..and it catches!! Salt water will rust them by the way.....
  16. disspatcher

    Black River - off Lake Simcoe

    I always see guys fishing on the north side of the bridge, not sure what they are getting but they are always there! Check your regs before you go out just to be sure.
  17. disspatcher

    Anyone ever bring their rod to a resort? about chuming.... Still waiting for the big report.... :oops:
  18. disspatcher

    Targeting small lake Rainbows?

    Justin Case... :oops:
  19. disspatcher

    Targeting small lake Rainbows?

    I think Leech Lake just may be a no motor boat lake,,not sure...better bring your oars Justin!
  20. disspatcher

    Fish and their Open Season(s)

    Unless you are fishing for the table give the carp a chance! Its like hooking up a freight train!..the odd time a wet blanket. But carp are a blast for sure!!